Lesson Plans for October 29-November 2
Monday, October 29
- Believe in U – Episode 3 Dude Be Nice Video
- Write list of words or phrases that can make a positive impact on someone else
- How could these impact someone?
- Write a list of positive actions that could impact our school/community
- How could these actions impact our school/community?
- Share out/discuss
Tuesday, October 30
- Write list of words or phrases that can make a negative impact on someone else
- How could these impact someone?
- Write a list of negative actions that could impact our school/community
- How could these actions impact our school/community?
- Share out/discuss
- Create a class list of kind words or phrases that could make a positive impact on someone?
- Using a post-it note, write something kind about one of your classmates/post on board
Wednesday, October 31
- Class discussion – how can negative words or phrases impact people?
- What kind of impact do you want to make on someone else, your school/community?
- Work in collaborative groups and create mottos that convey kindness/share out.
Thursday, November 1
- Work in collaborative groups of 3-5 students and write a 90 second ‘commercial’ for Dude Be Nice.
Friday, November 2
- Each group will record the 90 second commercial for Dude Be Nice and share with class.